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This speedreading app is designed to aid you in increasing your reading speed. This can be a useful skill at school or work. Average reading speed for adults is typically 200-300 words per minute (wpm), and somewhat higher for college students. With practice this can be increased significantly.

Reading speed will vary depending on the difficulty of the text but doubling or even tripling your reading speed is not impossible. Skim reading rather than speed reading can also be trained, which can be useful for refreshing knowledge of previously read texts or gaining important points of new ones.

A number of sample texts are available via the drop-down box. Otherwisetry uploading a .txt or .html file from your computer, or simply copy-paste something into the top box.

Once your text is loaded, the bottom text area will start playing your text word by word as soon as you hit play (or hotkey "p").

Speed comes from two factors: The amount of time each word is displayed on screen, and how many words are displayed at once. Increasing to two or three words at a time can dramatically increase your reading speed even if the interval time is decreased by 30%. Just like you learned how to read words instead of letters, learning to read multiple words at once is also possible

Other tips: Reading aloud will limit you to a around 200 wpm maximum. Subvocalizing will still limit you to around 300 wpm maximum. To surpass 400 wpm, even speaking in your head must slowly give way to other forms of meta-cognition. But overall, practice makes perfect.

A final tip: Sometimes it's better to push to a much higher speed for a time before dialing back than always increasing by just a small amount.